We provide a very unique environment that is unlike any other. Each guest has his/her own spacious area; both inside & outside. They each have their own premium beds, bowls, bones, & toys. We encourage bringing items from home if wanted so pets can feel more comfortable. They listen to soothing music and have a home like atmosphere. Every guest is hand walked outside to their own area a minimum of (5) times per day where they can run & play in the large fenced yards. We give pets a treat or their meals every time they come in. We continually keep their areas clean, freshen the water, monitor intake and eliminations, and behavior to ensure their well being. Every guest receives the individual care they need. Our pricing does include food provided by us, but you are welcome to bring theirs from home. All of these amenities are all included in our daily boarding rates listed below.
Daily Boarding Rates
Pick up before 12:00 noon and the last day is FREE!
1 PET $42.00 per day
2 PETS $72.00 per day same area
3+PETS please inquire
Puppies under 6 months $49.00 per day
Includes 7 potty / play sessions & clean up
Special Needs Pets - please inquire
All pets must show proof of current vaccinations and be free of any parasites and have the following vaccinations. We accept veterinarian waivers for these vaccines and approved Titers testing.
Dogs: Bordetella, DHPP, Rabies & Canine Influenza
Cats: FVRCP & Rabies
It is our policy NOT TO ALLOW dogs from different families to interact unless ALL pet owners concerned have signed our consent forms.
To fulfill our promise that your pet(s) will be kept safe, happy, and showered with love: we know it is necessary to provide a unique environment. We achieve this by giving each guest his/her own area, soothing music, choice of premium beds, toys, bowls, treats, favorite games, and his/her own food. We continually keep the area clean, freshen water, and monitor intake and eliminations, and behavior to ensure their well being. Every guest receives the individual care they need. All of these amenities are all included in our boarding rates listed below.
Pick up before 12:00 noon and the last day is FREE!
1 PET CAT $40.00 per day
2 PETS CAT $70.00 per day same area